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Noble Journey Sculpture:

Italy to America

Honoring Italian Immigrants & Culture in Boston's North End

With love and devotion, you can walk in the footsteps of your ancestors


We seek to install a bronze sculpture at St. Leonard Church (SLC) in Boston’s North End to symbolize the first steps down a gangway from Italy to America which Italian and other immigrants walked after crossing the Atlantic from the 1850’s to the 1920’s.

With love and devotion, you can walk in the footsteps of your ancestors whose dream it was to make a better social, economic, and spiritual life for themselves, their families and their future. These footprints lead directly into the first Italian Catholic Church in New England which they built in 1873 for their spiritual guidance, and to grow their new community. Now, St. Leonard Church is the congregation of Sacred Heart and St. Stephen Church, St. Mary Chapel, and St. John’s parochial school. It is also the hub for spiritual collaboration by the North End’s well-known religious societies. SLC is in the heart of the North End with an iconic Peace Garden.


It will remind all visitors of the values, challenges, courage, and dedication it took to make their vision a reality, and inspire its continuity and evolution.



Location: St. Leonard Church, Hanover Street


An initiative by The North End Historical Society,  Friends of the North End, the late Dr. Michael Annunziata, we are excited to collaborate with award winning sculptor, Nancy Schön, to initiate this public art project to honor the legacy of 175 years of Italian immigration and culture of the North End in the 19th to the 21st centuries.  

About The Artist

Nancy Schön is an internationally recognized public art sculptor, known for her warm evocative representations of human and animal figures. She is best known for the "Make Way For Ducklings" sculpture in the Boston Public Garden and the "Tortoise and Hare" in Copley Square.


"When Mike Annunziata told me about this project, I knew I had to find a way to represent a universal idea of people seeking a new and better life for their families and future generations to come as it symbolizes the path Italian immigrants walked as they crossed the Atlantic to the U.S." - Nancy


Click below to learn more about Nancy's work

Nancy's Story: Boston to Moscow


How To Support This Project

Invest in Our Community's Rich History

Leave a one-time donation

Checks can be mailed to:
North End Historical Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 130152, Boston, MA 02113

For more questions or if you wish to participate in the project, please contact NEHS Director, Dr. Anthony Cortese,

Thank You To Our Donors!

We are grateful to all the donors who graciously contributed to the Noble Journey
Sculpture reflecting the immigration history of the North End to be installed in the Peace
Garden of St. Leonard Church.

LEGACY ($5000+)


NEAA Ted Tomasone

Keith Haggerty

Patricia Annino & Robert Carr

Michael Annunziata Family

      Anne-Reet Annunziata

      Laura Annunziata

      Michael Peter Annunziata

      Phyllis Annunziata Marks

Matt Conti




Cosmo Capobianco

Anthony and Donna Cortese

Kathy DiMasi

Anthony Sammarco

Victor & Lucille Passacantilli

Sam & Gina LaGrassa

Barbara Resnek

Maria Fabrizio-Casey

North End VFW Post




Brigitte Cazalis-Collins

Agnes Connors-Wiggins

Nicholas Cortese

Thomas & Rita Damigella

Frank DePasquale

Doug and Jean Dockery

Dottie Donorfio

Ferrara Family

Toni Gilardi,Gilardi Group

Italian American Alliance

Knight of Columbus Asounia

Anthony and Donna Puopolo

Linda and Gerry Riccio

Rich Rose

Saint Joseph Society

Meredith Tipping (Sail Loft)

Heritage  (Up to $1000)

Louis Costa                                                                              Gus and Diane Pesaturo                                      Richard Vita                                                             

Margot Cox                                                                               Rita Pagliuca                                                         Frank and Lisa Waldron

Eastern Bank                                                                             Paul Passacantilli Jr.                                             Salvatore Vaudo Grandchildren

Nancy Frattaroli (Artu))                                                               Anthony and Donna Puopolo                             San Antonio Di Padova Society

Julia Frost                                                                                  Pirandello Italian language Center

FONE (Friends of North End)                                                    Ralph Rose

Sean Flynn

Girl Friends of North End                                                          Marilyn Ross

Joseph & Fernando Giangregorio                                            Richard and Lisa Settipane

 IA Prime                                                                                      Marie Simboli

 O.V.N.T. Company                                                                     Margo Seligman



Supporter (Up to $500)

Arthur & Claire Alba

Robert Agrippino

Patricia & Michael  Abelson

Vito Aluia

Dom Amara

Vincent and Susan Amato


Anthony Antidormi

Mario Antidormi

Paul Antonino

Angela Aquilino

Frank Ardito

Mathew Bamonte

Anthony Barrasso

Darlene Barbour

Guy Batista

Frances Bechtold

Laura Benvenuto

Robin Birdwell and Mark Fixley

Carol Bogard

Rita and Bob Bowen

Joseph Boschetto

Peter Braun

Johanne Brogna

Victor Brogna

Anne Bromer

Hollace Bristol

Cantina Restaurant

Kathia Capellupo

Donna Marie Carifio

Robert Carbone

Davida Carvin

Alexander Casale

Jean Casale

Ken Casale

Robert and Marina Cacici

John & Lori Chaffee

Brigette Cazalis-Collins

Anthony Cintolo

John Chirichiello

Robert Chiota

Gabriela Coletta

Michael Collins

Michael Columba

Frank and Mary Colvario

Angela Corbett

John Corey

Pamela Corolla

Nick Cortese III.

Marcy Corwin

Anthony and Floreen Cucinatti

Dom Cucinotta

Cunningham Family

Gerard D’Alessandro

Paul Dabene

Greg and Nicole Damigella

Richard Delliago

Nick Dello Russo

Deb & Rick Dellovo

John and Celeste DeMarco

Gregory DeRosa

Richard DeSantis

Richard DiBenedetto

Nick DiMasi

Sal DiMasi

Janice DiPrizio

Cosmo DiSchino

Maria D'Itria

Dolce Vita/ Franco Graceffa

Pam Donnaruma

Donne 2000

Paul Donato

Mark Dube Family

Mary Efferen

Mary Ann Engel

Alfredo Federico

Armando Federico

Mario Federico

Margaret Feriara

Maureen Ferris

Marilem Ferentinos

David Fletcher

Sean Flynn

Alan and Whitney Frent

Fresh Valley Foods

Dagmar Friedman

FONE (South)

Peggy Fucillo

Teresa Gallinaro

Francine and James Gannon

Virginia & George Gardner

Gaudio Family Gift shop

Mike Gentile

Jane Gibbon

Jean Gibran

Louis Camile Gilardi

Flo Giudara

Rose Giammarco

Sol Gittleman

Lisa Thurau Gray

Jennifer Grella

Anthony Greco

John Guarieri

Ragnhild Gundersen

Deborah Hall

Virginia Hartwell

Nancy Healy

Martha Heller-Winokur

Gerald & Margaret Hendrick

Martha Hinkley

Kirsten Hoffman

Ellen Hume

Iam Books

Fran Ingeme-Bechtold

Julie Ischia

Frances Hopkins Irwin

Andy Iovanna

Joanne &Haskell Jaffe

Linda & Carl Jenkins

Carmella Juianello

Frank Julianello

Fiorella Kaloust

Elizabeth Keller

Jackie King

Michelle and David Komm

Monika Kratzmann

David Kubiak

Maria LaCavalla

Edward Laconte

Charles LaRocca

Jeannie & Charles La Rossa

Arthur Lauretano

Karen Lauretano

Henry Lee

Anita Lincoln

LoPiccolo Family

Anthony Lori

Anthony Lucreziano

Dorothy Malcolm

Sylvia Mallory

Gus & Barbara Marino

Todd Marshall

Jimmy Martorano

Henry McCall

Dorene McCourt

Catherine McDonnell

John McKenna

Sylvia Mallory

Noreen Marton

Joseph & Nancy Matorano

Joseph &Angela Mantone

Peter Masucci

Aaron Michlewitz

Randolph Miller

Teresa Mirabito

William Mirabito

Pamela Miraglia

Vincent Musto

Kurt Nelson

Sandra Nelson

North End Health Center

Elinor Capozzi O'Brien

Paula O'Brien

Terese O’Connell

June Olsen

Gasper Ostuni

David Paglia



Anthony Pallotta

John Paone

Ellen Parker

Frank Pasciuto

Alec Passacantilli

Robert and Angela Passacantilli

Bianca Passacantilli

Carla Passacanti

Domenic Passacantilli De Luca

Julie Giganti Passacantilli

Mark and Louise Passacantilli

Lisa Passacantilli

Lucille Giganti Passacantilli

Paul and Angela Passacantilli

Victor Passacantilli, Jr.

Brian Patacchiola

Joyce Pedi

George Pesaturo

Barbara Peterlin

Paul Petruccelli 

Piccolo Nido

Pirandello Lyceum

Domenic Piso

Polcari Coffee/Bobby Eustace

Prezza Restaurant

Renee Pollack

Robert Powers

Daniel Prawdzik

Stephen Puleo

Karen and Dan Puopolo

Paul Puopolo

Robert and Michelle Ricciardi

Liz Reece

Ristorante Saraceno

Miguel Rosales

Sabrina Rossi

David Rothhauser

Richard Ruggiero

Geno Sabbio

Teresa Sabbio

Vincent Sabella

Julie Saide

Saint Leonard Italian School

Saint Lucy Society of Boston

Dominic & Linda Sacchetti

Salumeria Italiana

Joseph Sarno

Steven Santoro

Nick Savino

Aimee Scorziello

Thomas Schiavoni

Andrew Schon

Ellen Schon

Susan Schon

Robert Shamma

Heather Sharp

Susan Silberberg

Richard Sinopoli

Societa Santa Maria DiAnzano

Ed Strong

Eileen and Ellen Sylvia

Kirsten Teland

Joseph & Kathleen Vita


Spinelli Rita Roberto

Dianne Royale

Margie Saranza

Robert Shamma

Julia Shea

Jeannie & Stephen Skiffington

James Stork

Dick Suker

Frank Tempesta

Andrea Thomajan

Michele Topor

Audrey Tortolani

Angelo Troisi

Elizabeth Vainer

Gil Van Geyte

Dominic Venezia

Paul and Diane Viscione

Samuel Viscione

Lidia Vitiello

Andrea Waldstein

Bob Watts

Steven Willinger

Andrea and Rich Winslow

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